Grasp this shared moment and later recall
That brief thread that went from my heart to yours.
All, we have in common… for God is all!
Omit the carnal world where discord sours.
Hold on with me onto that short moment
And unroll it to cover a lifetime.
Then let’s work together to increment,
To make it blossom throughout space and time.
That moment, we both had a glimpse of Truth
When your hands and mine converged in prayer.
Our souls felt a rejuvenating youth
For which this ravaged world is so eager.
Your pain is mine. My eyes your teardrops shed.
Your torrid nightmares have scalded my sleep.
Let’s come together and rejoice instead
In following God down our conscience deep.
Gaze at our Lord through me and let me sight
His Blessed Face through your humanity.
In us He Infused a ray of His Light:
A Loving Breath of His Divinity.
And thus we both are His Mercy’s channel,
Like rivers gushing down the mountainside.
Down our hollowed selves must Mercy travel;
Let’s not hinder its flow with ego’s pride.
Unite your river with mine to now form
A wider stream of life-giving water.
It doesn’t mean to erase any form;
Our contrasting faiths piety offer.
Uniting does not wash out our colours.
Unifying brings not your loss or mine.
Unity means to gaze into “others”
And to see The Blessed Face of God Shine.
He Smiles in between petals of flowers
And Sighs through the whisper of willow trees.
His Mercy flows beyond the last hours
Of night as dawn ascends behind the sees.
How then can one not perceive His Profile
In a dying child who’s paralyzed by fear?
In fact, Our Lord is most visible while
One witnesses scenes of injustice sheer…
The drought has smothered both of our vineyards;
Hatred’s fire is burning through our land.
Let us unite our streams and as one guard
It from being consumed at our hand.
Together only can darkness subside;
Let us with Divine Light the hungry feed.
Thirsty we’ve all been for the rising tide;
Of collective sainthood we are in need.
Mostafa El-Diwany