Connecting to pray
Children across the country and around the world learn the Gospel-based Art of Loving through the Cube of Love program. Here’s what a group of children shared about how they lived “share the other’s hurt or joy” during this time of pandemic.Our names are Mayte, Montserrat, Abigail and Karla. When we were first told that we had to stay home because of a virus, we were very scared and nervous. We would hear in the news of all the bad things that were happening to some people.
We meet every month and read the children’s Word of Life. We learn that Jesus wants us to love everyone. We did not know what to do to help the others around us while staying home!
Through Zoom, we began to pray the Rosary every night with our families. We really did not know how to pray the Rosary, but we knew that it would be something that could help those who are sick, sad, alone and dying in the hospitals. Little by little we learned all the prayers.
Now we are the ones that lead the Rosary. We love to pray every night; we actually look forward to connecting to pray. We might not be able to visit the sick, but we know that our prayers are reaching them.


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